Turn your Android into iPhone

Switch from Android to iPhone

Turn your Android into iPhone

Apple released its first application for Android devices, and it allows you to turn your Android phone into an iPhone. Application name is "Move to iOS" the application does exactly what it promises to users.

Don't set-up your iPhone until you have downloaded the application and are good to go on your iPhone. The transfer procedure will not work if you have fired up already your iPhone and set up. If you have, then you will have to follow the guidelines from Apple to transfer your content or start from scratch.

From the new iPhone, you have to choose the "move content from Android" after you have worked on the first screen where you choose connect to a Wi-Fi network and language; then you have to enter 10-digits of code. Once you entered, it's time to turn back to your Android and start the Move to iOS application.

The transfer time might vary depending on the size of content that you want to transfer. Our experience took five minutes, with some pictures that were stored in Google Photos. The only difficulty was at the end, when Apple wants you to recycle your Android device. Unless it's a omit some piece of data, you will be better off selling to any third party to get cash back.

1 comment:

  1. I find this article is very informative and helpful. Thank you for sharing!

    Mobile App Developer
